Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Romeo & Juliet Podcast

Very recently I switched my job as a 9th grade special ed teacher to a 9th and 11th grade English teacher.  All of the resources that I have been exposed to during this course must now be geared towards English.  When looking through Podcasts that I may use in my own teaching environment I stumbled upon the dramatic reading of William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet.  As one of the upcoming pieces of literature that my 9th graders will be studying I am thrilled to have found such a resource.  The reading of each act of Shakespeare's tragic love story are read by a teacher and his students that are very capable of reading Shakespeare.  Because students oftentimes struggle with reading Shakespeare I was hoping to provide auditory aides so that they may listen to the text in order to avoid stumbling over the words and Shakespearean language.  Students can access the following site, Romeo & Juliet Podcast , to catch up at home or review scenes or acts.  Will definitely be using in the next couple of months!!

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