Friday, September 10, 2010

Professional Development

Already after reading the first few chapters of the text and trying out a few new Internet tools, I feel that my own teaching could be completely changed if I take advantage of all these devices have to offer.  Although I absolutely hope to utilize what I learn in this course with my ninth grade students, I am also considering the benefits that this could offer in the area of professional development

Currently, I teach on a ninth grade team including four content area teachers and myself as the special ed. teacher.  After just finishing the first week of school with a new team and implementing a new form of instruction through co-teaching, I have already stumbled upon many obstacles.  One of the major struggles that I foresee for our team this year is communication (fortunately for me I am taking this course).  Despite carefully checking schedules and attempting to find common planning time between the five of us, there will absolutely not be enough hours in a day to allow us the collaboration opportunities that we need. 

I think for a situation like mine where you are teaching on a team, or a grade level/content area of teachers it would be extremely beneficial to utilize blogs to keep in contact regarding various topics.  For instance, one of the blogs could be specifically regarding parent contact.  It was suggested in the beginning of the year that we continuously communicate in order to eliminate several phone calls home, and instead, make one phone call addressing a student's problems in more than one of his/her classes.  By communicating through a blog we would each be able to discuss a student's misbehavior or missing work and have one teacher make the call home.

Another benefit of using blogs between team members is to share feedback.  Oftentimes, reflection gets forgotten as there is not enough time to sit down and discuss what worked or what didn't work.  Having the convenience to type something up in a specialized section where team members may view it would be extremely beneficial.  Particularly in the area of special ed,  it is crucial to identify which instructional strategies were successful or what content was learned or not learned. 

Thinking on a grander scale, it would of course be great if colleagues of an entire school could share some new ideas or new discoveries that they have found.  Although one may find an endless amount of great ideas on the Internet, it has almost become exhausting to filter through the huge amount of good and bad.  I think teachers would be much more receptive to the ideas of their own colleagues, rather than a stranger on the Internet.

I hope to implement this useful communication tool amongst my ninth grade team, however, I believe it would be a huge benefit if administration got the ball rolling at the beginning of the school year with something similar. 


  1. Rebecca,

    I like your idea of using a tech tool for keeping communication open between members. I'm just not sure of a blog is the best tool because of privacy concerns. However, on Blogger under the Setting tab there is a link to Permissions. It seems that you can restrict the readers of the blog to "only blog authors." If that is the case, then a blog should work for your purposes.
    Personally, I would be sure to check out that no one else can read the blog even if they have the URL just to be on the safe side.

    Dr. Burgos

  2. Please go to the settings tab, choose comments and then under "comment moderation" choose "never." That may be a good setting for a class blog if you want to moderate comments, but for out purposes in this course, it just creates problems.
    Dr. Burgos

  3. I love your idea of parent contact and sharing feedback. I think parent contact blog could post homeworks and some informing documents that parents may take a look sometimes. However, for most of the pareents I think they still love talking to the teacher by voice. Accordingly, another phone number will be better. As for sharing feedback with colleagues, I can't agree with you more. Every colleague has diffent schedule in school, and the best time to discuss is after school. Unfortunatelly, I heard some colleagues would say they need to pick their children up or something else. In order to make a comprimise, having the discussion on the blog would be more flexible for every one. By typing them down, every one is the notetaker too, thus, have a record for the discussion, which is also a key point of learning.

  4. I think using blogger as a way for you and the teachers you work with is an excellent idea. What about even setting it up as a website where all of the teachers can go on edit and make changes? I think you have the right idea with blogger being used as a way to offer feedback as well. I know there is a way where you can even put up a ling using google docs that acts as a questionnaire/communication tool. You can use this with your fellow teachers or your as a way for your students to communicate with you.
