Saturday, September 11, 2010

Safe Blogging

In order to ensure blogging remains safe for all students I would suggest some of the following ground rules with my students prior to allowing them access to a community blog..

1. Do not share passwords with anyone except a teacher or parents.  Do NOT give a password to a "best friend" because that friendship may change throughout the course.

2. When blogging be sure to consider your audience as many people may have access to what you have written.  Avoid racial, religious, or gender bashing.

3.  Do not include any information in your blog post that reveals where you go to school, where you live, where you or your family members work, etc.  Always keep in mind that someone harmful may be your blogs for the wrong purpose.

4. Do not discuss inappropriate material or include any pictures that are inappropriate.  Ask  yourself, in ten years would I be able to get a job if the employer had access to these blogs/pictures.

5.  Lastly, do not utilize your last name in any posts!

In my district, incoming freshman are asked to have their parents sign a release form that allows them to navigate the Internet while at school.  We also use programs, such as Moodle and Castle Learning, this release also gives permission to students to create user/ID names and use these online instructional tools on a daily basis.

In order to block any inappropriate content, there is a team of technology staff that is continuously blocking and filtering any sites or images that are not acceptable for students to access.

Last year, I created a "Ning Network" with my students and informed the technology specialist in order to avoid them blocking the site after it had been identified that it was being used by students.  I informed her it was strictly for instructional purposes.

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca,

    I'm glad to hear that the technology department allowed access to your Ning. It's important for teachers and tech people to work together for the benefit of the students.

    Dr. Burgos
